Snowboard length denotes the distance from the tip end point to the tail end point. Snowboard length is selected mainly according to riders weight. Height in this case plays the role of corrective factor. There is a simple explanation to this fact: if rider is big guy with the weight of 110 kg and height 160 cm, than it is unlikely to have snowboard up to the chin, i.e. 140-145 cm. And vise versa: for tall girl with the weight of 45 kg snowboard with length of 165 will not suit well.
Today, such factors determine the length of snowboard for the rider, namely:
Riding style
Ability level
Weight is the most important factor in determination of snowboard length.
While riding, snowboard is constantly loaded and unloaded. Weight gives snowboard a curved shape and provides maximum traction with snow. Lack of weight will not give rider the opportunity to fully load the edge, the board will “throw off” while turning. Excess weight – on the contrary, will overload the edge and the snowboard will break off the edge.
Riders height is definitely not as important as weight, but with its help, it is possible to adjust the length. Tall people articulations are more elongated. It follows that, despite the weight parameter, it is possible to take a snowboard a little longer. Using body as a lever, it is possible push through a stiff snowboard in the same way as a heavier and lower rider does.
Low riders have opposite situation.
As a rule, freestyle snowboards, could be 3-6 cm shorter (depending on the rider’s preferences). If rider prefers freeride, then it is possible to choose a snowboard 2-4 cm longer (again, it depends on the rider’s preferences).
Riders ability level also affects the choice of snowboard length. In simple words, beginner needs shorter snowboard, since longer snowboard is harder to control. Thus, for beginners it is usually recommended to choose a shorter snowboard, as opposed to more experienced riders.